Our recent Cardio and Lower Body Community Workout event was amazing! We had a diverse group of fitness enthusiasts, beginner sprinters, and mobility fans. It was a great start to the weekend and we all learned a lot about sprinting and mobility.
Emory led the group with enthusiasm and expertise! We started with warm up drills to get our bodies prepared for the sprints ahead. He then went through proper sprinting technique, because there is more to it than just fast running. These protocols were very valuable for injury prevention and sports performance, and are often over looked.
After that it was off to the races! Sprinting was self-paced so that those who wanted to take it slow and focus on form could do so, and the more competitive of us could put pedal to the metal and test our abilities. The atmosphere was energetic and the sprints made for a great cardio challenge.
After the sprints Emory led us through a cooldown and instructed on additional stretches that complemented the sprinting workout. This included mobility and 'prehab' movements for the hips, knees, and ankles. We learned a lot about how to keep our bodies healthy and mobile!
We're excited for the next event and will keep you posted on what and when it is!

Miss this event? You can still get expert instruction from Emory! Book your free Transformation Session online and you'll get:
In depth consultation with Emory or another one of Austin's best trainers
A workout where your movement technique will be analyzed to ensure form is on point and you don't get injured
A plan to start seeing results right away. It's like GPS to success!
Start your fitness journey now by booking your first session! Click here to book.