Finding a good fit for your personal training needs is very important. If you are not comfortable or don’t enjoy working with your trainer, it will make it that much more difficult to get motivated and succeed with your goals. On the flip side, having a trainer that has your back and that you enjoy seeing for workouts can make achieving your fitness goals an enjoyable and streamlined process. So, before you hire, take into consideration these important factors to be sure you get a good fit.

Personality is very important, especially if you plan to train for the long term. You’ll be seeing your trainer for 1-3 hours per week, almost every week, so it is important that you enjoy being around them at least to some degree. If you have trouble getting motivated to work out, it will only make it harder if you don’t like the person you are working with. On the other hand, if you think they are a great guy or gal and like being around them, that will make it even more motivating to go and get a workout in.
To get an idea of our trainers approaches and personalities, I recommend you take a deep dive into their bios and read the reviews from their clients to get an idea of the best fit for you. You can then try out a session with one or two of them to help make a final decision.
Credentials and Experience
It’s critical that your trainer be properly credentialed, and even more important that they have relevant experience with your goals. You should be confident about their ability to help you, because if you are second guessing their abilities, you won’t be as motivated to follow their guidelines. Look to hire a trainer that has done what you want to do, either with other clients, themselves, or both.
All our trainers are highly experienced, however they do of course have a variety of strengths and specialties, so once again, I’d recommend a deep dive into their bios to see who has the credentials and experience that you think aligns the closest with your goals.

Personal training is a great investment in your health and well-being. While worthwhile, it can be expensive, so it is important to budget and plan for the costs. When picking a trainer, make sure you know what their rates are and how many training sessions you plan to do so you can plan accordingly. This is particularly important if you want to train long term. You don’t want to get a few months in, be making great progress, and then realize it’s not feasible to keep going due to finances.
You can check out all our trainers’ rates on each of their bio pages to get an exact idea of prices. Since we wrap our entire coaching program into the personal training rates, you don’t have to worry about accounting for any other costs.
Scheduling and Location
Find a personal trainer that is conveniently located and can schedule you at times that work well for your schedule. If you must bend over backwards to fit into the trainer’s schedule, it may make it difficult for you to be consistent over the long run. Similarly, if it is very difficult for you to get to sessions ie you must sit in traffic or make a long drive, it might not work. I recommend doing your best to make exercise and nutrition fit your lifestyle, so adding a long commute for training sessions is generally not a good idea. You can also try to schedule them during low traffic times or when you are driving past your training location anyway for extra convenience.
To get an idea of what times each personal trainer in Austin has available you can click book now and see what spots they have open over the upcoming weeks and make sure that will work for you. To see the location of our state-of-the-art facility, just click here.

How Long You Plan To Train For
An important consideration is how long you intend to train for. There are two ways to approach personal training. The first is to train for a short period of time and use it to gain as much knowledge as possible, and then implement what you have learned on your own. The second is to use it not only for that, but to also train long term so that your coach can help you through the ups and downs that come along on your fitness journey.
If you are self motivated and don’t tend to get discouraged or drop off of your fitness program, then the first approach is fine. If getting and staying motivated is the hardest part for you, then the long term approach will probably serve you better. Either approach is fine depending on your own personal goals and struggles, but you should weight some considerations higher than others depending on which you’re doing.
If you only plan on training short term, then personality, price, schedule, and location are less of a concern because you’ll only have to deal with traffic or a weird schedule a few times. You can get in, gain the knowledge you need, and then go use it on your own.
If you plan on training long term, then personality, price, scheduling and location should have a big impact on your decision, as these are all things that could hurt your ability to be consistent if they aren’t optimal.
If you are not sure who to pick, give us a call. We'll ask you a few questions about your goals, experience, etc. and then make a recommendation for the best fit trainer for you. Then we'll get you booked in for a free Transformation session. At that session you will do a detailed consultation with the trainer, a short workout, and then your trainer will put together a plan for you to achieve your goals. Click here to book that session and get started!